"AuthorAID: Internet working for scientists from the developing world"
May 2011
"Presentations in the Digital Age"
April 2009
"Leaning Towers"
May 2008
"A Paperless Post Office Box"
December 2007
"The Future of Foam"
Radio version
Fall 2007
Can Local Go the Distance?"
Spring 2008
"Mass spec means more than mass data"
August 2011
"Communicating with Computers"
April 2008
"A Course on Horses"
February 2008
"Goodbye Styrofoam, Hello Biofoam"
January 2008
"JBC 3-D PDF Tutorial"
August 2009
Wrote, produced, recorded and edited tutorial for journal authors.
Air date June 2008
Interviewer for TV documentary.
"Housing Inspections 101."
March 2007
Produced, filmed and wrote web video documentary on rental housing inspections in East Lansing, Mich.