This site is a reaction to the work I did as a field interviwer for the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) with the University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research.
The PSID interviews were designed to elicit detailed income information from particants, many of which first joined the study in 1968. For the past 40 years, the same people and their chidlren have been surveyed every two years, creating many dissertations-worth of data.
In my 60 interviews, most of which lasted more than an hour, I would enter data into a timeline program about where they lived, special occasions, vacations and jobs, as much detailed information as possible. The timeline acted as a memory aid as we tried to jog participants' memories about their income.
As I spent many hours entering this evocative data, I wished I could have my own timeline to consult. Later, when I needed to correlate time and place I'd have a handy reminder.
Please explore the data I've compiled in my one-person survey.
Sarah Crespi
This site was made using Dreamweaver and Smooth Gallery 2.0. I also want to thank my 438 classmates and Darcy Greene for the creative environment and lots of great ideas.